
Logging into Lobstr Mobile App:

  1. Download and Install Lobstr App:

    • If you are using the Lobstr mobile app, download and install it from your device's app store.

  2. Open the App:

    • Launch the Lobstr app on your mobile device.

  3. Choose Login Method:

    • Similar to the web version, Lobstr's mobile app provides various login methods. Select the one that suits you best.

  4. Enter Credentials:

    • Enter your email address and password associated with your Lobstr account.

  5. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

    • If 2FA is enabled, enter the verification code generated by your authenticator app.

  6. Access Your Wallet:

    • Once authenticated, you should be able to access your Lobstr wallet through the mobile app.

Important Considerations:

  • Recovery Phrase:

    • Ensure you have stored your wallet recovery phrase securely. This phrase is crucial for restoring your wallet if you forget your password or face other issues.

  • Security Measures:

    • Follow Lobstr's recommended security practices, such as enabling 2FA and keeping your credentials confidential.

  • Updates and Changes:

    • Always refer to the official Lobstr documentation or support resources for any updates or changes to the login process.

Remember that the information provided is based on the situation as of January 2022, and there may have been changes or updates to Lobstr's services since then.

Last updated